The Glasgow Miracle:

Materials for Alternative Histories

Reference Number:


Isobel Johnson and Rudi Fuchs Interview 1979

This interview was conducted by Isobel Johnson on the occasion of a 1979 Arts Councils touring exhibition (curators were invited to select artists and given the opportunity to purchase work for the Arts Council collection). Rudi Fuchs, at the time the director of the Van Abbé museum in Eindhoven was asked to provide a fresh insight into contemporary British art. In the exhibition, Languages, he presented work by Victor Burgin, Gerard Hemsworth, John Murphy, Gerard Newman, Bruce Robbins, John Stezaker, Stephan Willats, Art + Language.

Date Recorded: 1979

Length: 31 min, 27 sec

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Additional Information

One-to-one interview. Begins with a cut to a man (Fuchs) in glasses holding a mug. He is seated on a chair before a stationary camera. The camera pans right to reveal a woman (Johnson) with dark hair seated in another chair beside the man. With another cut, the interview begins. Johnson begins speaking directly to the camera, and as the interview progresses into a guided conversation, the camera pans back and forth between these 2 figures. About halfway through the footage, the image appears more blurry and stretched, the count quality becomes slightly more prone to some white noise. Ends on a zoom of Fuchs' face, a pan to Johnson as she thanks him for his presence. The camera zooms out as Johnson looks directly into the camera lens, then down at her lap as the footage cuts.